

Based on our corporate philosophy of “making the Earth our shareholder, aiming to restore humanity, and envisioning a world and future filled with gratitude and inspiration,” we have created tatami goods inspired by Japanese culture. These products were born out of our strong relationships with the dedicated producers who have supported the tatami tradition for generations. We hope our tatami goods will touch your senses and lift your spirits. Please feel free to touch and experience the gentle texture and soothing fragrance for yourself! 『地球を株主とし、人間性の回復を目的に定め、感謝と感動が渦巻く世界、そして未来をそうぞうしていきます」という経営理念を基に、日本文化である畳、その文化をずっと支えて来てくれた生産者さんとの強い関係性の中から、畳雑貨という形が生まれました。  シンガポールの皆さんの五感に届き、素敵な気分になれる畳雑貨をぜひ触って、香ってみて下さい