omomuki -sakura-
I think cats would like it as well as humans
At first I intended to display it as an interior decoration, but then I noticed that my cat was playing with it as a mat. I guess they like it because it smells so good lol
can be used for sleeping at the desk!
My arms used to get numb when I slept at my desk during breaks, but when I started using this as an arm rest, the height became just perfect and I could have a good sleep without my arms getting numb!
a place to put your phone
I used to lose my phone a lot in the house, but if I start using this as a phone rest, I won't lose it!
good for elbow rest
I used to get elbow pain and stains from long study sessions or using the computer, but it looks like this will solve the problem! GOAT
Could be used as a picture frame
I would like to hang it on my wall with photos of scenery I took in Japan!